Reduce Environmental Harm With Sustainable Disposable Cups

Reduce Environmental Harm With Sustainable Disposable Cups

Most people must drink coffee at least once daily in order to start their day. And due to hectic schedules or rush hours, most of us would get our coffee in disposable coffee cups. Additionally, in a hot country like Singapore, most of us would order to go, iced coffee, which is then served in mostly plastic cups.

The thing about disposable cups is that they are one of the most common items found in rubbish, and thus, contribute to the main bulk of our environmental pollution. So, what, then, can we do to reduce environmental harm? Do we limit our coffee consumption? While that might sound logical, doing that might not be the soundest solution as coffee has become an integral part of our life.

One alternative and effective solution would be in the type of disposable cups that F&B businesses use when selling drinks, whether coffee or any other type of drink. In this article, we will discuss how eco-friendly disposable cups can help to achieve a low-waste lifestyle.


Facts about coffee consumption in Singapore

Note: In this article, we will be using coffee as the primary drink choice. However, the benefits of using sustainable disposable cups can be applied to other drink choices.

1. Singapore consumes approximately 15,000 metric tonnes (15 million kilograms) of coffee each year.

2. It is estimated that at least 21.5 million cups are used and disposed of each year.

If you do not understand the severe effects that disposable cups have on the environment, the above numbers should open your eyes to the severity of our environmental harm, and this is just in Singapore. With other countries facing similar or worse situations, our Earth is in serious trouble.

Most of the disposable drinks cups that we are served are mainly one-time-use plastics. Hence, to combat the issue of plastic pollution, the solution is to use biodegradable disposable cups.


Benefits of using biodegradable disposable cups

While there are tons of benefits that an individual or a business can enjoy from using biodegradable disposable cups, here are some general benefits that they bring to the environment.


1. Durability

Contrary to most beliefs, biodegradable disposable cups do not lack durability as compared to their plastic counterparts. Hence, using them as takeaway alternatives is as seamless as using plastic ones. In fact, paper disposable cups retain as much heat without having to worry about burning your fingers. Hence, rather than using Styrofoam or plastic for hot drinks orders, consider using paper cups that are biodegradable and eco-friendly.


2. Sustainable

They are biodegradable, making them sustainable alternatives. Whether they are made of paper or biodegradable plastic, such as SKP’s EcoVue range of biodegradable plastic cups, they can be broken down into organic mass easily. You cannot do this with the conventional plastic cups we use today. Not only do conventional plastic cups break down into inorganic microplastics, which harms the environment, but they pose potential hazards for animals that might assume they are food.


3. Eco-friendly

SKP’s range of biodegradable cups is completely biodegradable. They are made with a blend of polypropylene and a unique biodegradable additive that does not harm the environment or you. Hence, you can throw them together with the rest of your waste as they will break down into organic mass in the landfill.



The amount of disposable waste that we produce in Singapore each year is significant. And we all have a part to play in correcting that. As businesses, we can play our part in transiting to a more sustainable way of operating. As individuals, we can do our part by supporting businesses that have made that sustainable decision to use eco-friendly products.

Here at SKP, as the leading provider of food packaging since 1979, we have always found ways to provide sustainable food packaging solutions. Whether you are looking for sustainable disposable cups or biodegradable utensils, we have got the solution you are looking for. Let us take little steps to make the world a better place. Contact us to inquire about our eco-friendly options today.